On Sunday, November 18, the club held its AGM with 80 members in attendance. In accordance with past practice the meeting opened with a moment of silence in memory of club members who passed away since our last general meeting.
For the first time all committee reports were uploaded to the club website prior to the meeting. This allowed members to read the reports at their convenience and avoided the need to have each report individually read at the meeting. The time thus saved could be devoted to answering questions or concerns about the reports’ contents.
Other new business was conducted, the most significant being financing of the Anderson House Expansion Project. As well, election of members to the 2018-2019 Executive Committee took place. After adjournment the bar was opened allowing members to discuss club matters and socialize over a beverage and light snacks.
It is imperative that each member attend our general meetings. Your Executive members value your feedback to help guide them in making sound decisions that will benefit the greatest number. Thank you to all who attended.
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