Updated January 29, 2023
This video clip shows 11 thrilling seconds of short mat play at our club! 🙂
For those who are familiar with the game at Oak Bay LBC, the usual links to calendar, bookings, etc can be found on the Short Mat Calendar. Those interested just in leagues or tournaments can refer to the Short Mat Leagues and Short Mat Tournaments webpages.
For those new to the game at our club, check out our Newcomers Invitation page.
The annual short mat season is comprised of two sessions: the fall session lasts about 11 weeks from October to December; the 13-week winter session runs from January to April. A typical session consists of about 300 scheduled games.
All members of the club, except social members, are entitled to play.
Normally, if you wish to play in one of the competitive leagues which run most sessions, you need to complete the Short Mat League Entry form at the start of the session.
If you intend to play in daily draw games ONLY, you just book yourself into the daily draw game(s) of your choice. See “Booking Daily Draw Games” below.
We have two short mat rinks that can accommodate no more than twelve players at one time, so all games during the session have to be scheduled. The mat is open for play 24 hours a day, but the 12-hour booking period starts at 9:00 a.m. and is divided into six two-hour time slots for each rink, finishing at 9:00 p.m. If you wish to play outside those times, you can, but there is no reservation system for that.
More information about how we organize short mat games appears below.
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