[su_heading size=”24″ margin=”10″]Associate Player[/su_heading]
Published 2018-11-20
The membership category of Associate Player was approved at the 2018 Annual General Meeting of the Oak Bay Lawn Bowling Club. This category is defined below.
Associate Player
- Must be a full member at another lawn bowling club;
- Is able to play in all daily draws;
- Is able to play in the Campbell or Carnarvon Cup leagues;
- Is able to play in the Thursday Special Draw games;
- Is able to play in any tournaments that do not have a trophy;
- Is able to participate in Club Suppers (all year) and able to invite a guest (e.g., spouse);
- Might volunteer in some aspect of the Club’s duties;
- Will not be given a locker nor the code to enter the buildings;
- Can attend AGM/SAGM but will not be able to vote on any motions/policy changes etc;
- Will not be given the code to access the “Members Only” section of the club’s website.
Associate Player Playing Term
- Associates can only play while the greens are open (May to October);
- Once the greens are closed Associate memberships expire, but Associates will still be able to attend club dinners for the entire year.
Associate Player Fees in 2019
- $115 if paid prior to the end of July;
- $67.50 (half price plus $10) if a person joins after the end of July.