The Guinness and Green Beer Games were a huge success and the weather couldn't have been better. Over 60 members came out for lawn bowling, croquet and to help with the kitchen, bar, setup/take down the equipment, and to clean up Carnarvon House after the festivities. We are thankful that so … [Read more...]
2023-24 Short Mat Leagues Celebration
Photos by Gloria Brown This year we had two short mat leagues. The first league saw 7 groups of 8 players and the second league had 5 groups of 8 players. Having this level of participation was unexpected but great to see. Participants reported a great level of competition, a host of incredible … [Read more...]
THE MYSTERY OF JERRY AND ANONY-MOUSE No, no murders took place. Whew! Jerry and Anony-mouse must have read Agatha Christie’s “They Came To Baghdad”, and then They Came To Anderson. If you don’t already know, Anderson House is besieged by two critters! We know the name of one of them as … [Read more...]
Fantastic Fun Frolicking in February
Photos by Gloria Brown It was a frolicking fun time today. Over 60 members came out to bowl, play croquet, Mah Jong and Cribbage. We even had a couple drop in who signed up as new members once they saw all the people who were playing croquet - their sport of choice. Andrew Harley organized the … [Read more...]
Two OakBay Bowlers finish in 1st and 2nd at an Indoor tournament in Qualicum Beach
Viviene Sears- ReMax Real Estate company sponsored indoor bowling tournament was held on Jan 27 and 28 with 9-teams participating from Vancouver, Courtney, Parksville, Victoria and Qualicum The format was a 2-bowl12-end open triples. Brent Jansen’s (Skip) team comprised of two locals … [Read more...]
Dolman Does it again
As many of you know John Dolman exhibits exceptional skill and brilliance when faced with challenges members bring to him. A recent case is a prime example of how John is able to address a club problem with an incredibly creative solution. Many of you have seen the backboard that is missing at times … [Read more...]