Forty-five members attended the Chinese supper late in the day on March 2nd. By all reports everyone enjoyed the supper and being able to touch base with other members in a social setting. It’s was a beautiful night and Gloria’s pictures captured an exceptional sunset and a great supper. Everyone received a fortune cookie and my wife’s fortune cookie said she would receive an unexpected gift. Sometimes those fortune cookies come true as Susi won the 50/50 draw. Thanks to all the folks that helped to make this supper a success. I won’t list all of them but I think those that attended know who I mean. Great events like this require a host of volunteers to step forward and we thank all of them for helping out.
Our next event will be the St Patrick’s celebration and Smokies BBQ on March 15 at 1:30. Details we be sent out soon but right now you can register via our website calendar. It’s only $10 and it is open to croquet, bowlers and spectators so please come out and enjoy the fun. We’ll see you there!!!
Article by Brent Merchant
Photos by Gloria Brown