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Croquet 2025

2022-12-28 Updated for 2023

2021-06-18 Updated this webpage to reflect the gradual relaxation of the pandemic rules and the changes we have made after our first two months of experience with croquet.



Croquet is here!

As a new social activity, the club opened for croquet play for the first time April 7, 2021.

Your safety

COVID-19 is still among us, but wearing masks is optional both indoor and outdoor is optional.

Croquet at OBLBC in 2022/23

New croquet sets and carts

New croquet sets and carts

Thanks to generous donations by a number of club members, which fully covered our croquet start-up costs, the club has purchased three croquet sets in 2021.

Our special thanks go to club member John Dolman who personally constructed our croquet carts.

We play the “snake-in-the-grass” version of croquet. Snake-in-the-grass croquet international rules can be found here.

The West green has been allocated to croquet play with four sessions per week. See the Daily Draws Calendar for current times.

To simplify the set up for a croquet session, we now divide the west green into four courts of equal size.  All croquet players are expected to learn how to set up the courts.

Reserve your place in these games via the online calendar. Select the event on the Daily Draws Calendar and follow the instructions. Registration cuts off at 16 players.

You can register to play croquet 

You can register to play using the online Draws Calendar. You may book as many of the four available weekly time slots as you wish. You may also drop in and see if there is a spot available.

If you have no access to online registration, please ask another member to register for you.

Practice times

Practice time will be available when there are no times set aside for bowling, croquet games or greens maintenance sessions, i.e., at all times when there is no event scheduled on the calendar.  You do not need to reserve a time for your practice.

You may have to set up your own court.


Enjoy your game!




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