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Fantastic Fun Frolicking in February

Photos by Gloria Brown
It was a frolicking fun time today. Over 60 members came out to bowl, play croquet, Mah Jong and Cribbage. We even had a couple drop in who signed up as new members once they saw all the people who were playing croquet – their sport of choice. Andrew Harley organized the croquet players while Barry Hersh entertained the bowlers with one of his classic jokes followed by announcing the draw. A BBQ followed the games and a huge thank you was given to the volunteers that set up/took down the rinks for bowling and croquet, BBQing, managing the bar, working in the kitchen, helping to clean up and take down the tables in Carnarvon House and the list goes on. Volunteers are so important for these events and are greatly appreciated – thanks so much. Without volunteers events like this would vanish.
We can now look forward to another half day game and BBQ on St Patrick’s Day that we are calling the Guinness and Green Beer Games. Also in March we will be having a Chinese Supper that signifies the end of our Short Mat League play. All members are invited to attend this supper. Information on these March events will be posted on the calendar and emailed to members soon so we hope to see a full turn out by members.

Garry Anderson
Brent Merchant