A blustery and sometimes wet June day saw 36 bowlers registered for the Miller Cup on Saturday, June 15th. Bowlers played 3, 10 end games and it appeared an enjoyable day of bowling was had by all, despite the mix of sunshine and a cold wind!
Many thanks to the volunteers who helped make the day a success: kitchen staff of Sharon Ross, Marilyn Turpin, Sheila McCall and Ronnie Stinson, rink set up by John Dolman and Barry Hersh, Marcia Thorneycroft and Pat Thomas helping with administration, Brent Merchant selling 50/50 tickets, Ron Harmer handling the technical assistance, the Bar ably tended by Ian Capon and Marian Burow and last, but not least, to Gloria Brown for her picture taking! As the saying goes…………..It takes a Village!
Results were as follows:
1st place Jim Cliff, Karen Evans, Judy Arsenault
2nd place Louise Mason, Diane McMorran, Eric Hildebrandt
3rd place Lee Millar, Linda Cowie, Bob MacFarlane
4th place David Anderson, Sandy Armitage, David Smyth
Submitted by Joan Firkins
Photos by Gloria Brown