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Short Mat League

From: Brent Merchant/Garry Anderson

Our popular short mat league starts the week of November 19. For seven weeks  participants in each grouping play one game each week. These are pairs games allowing you to pair up with each member in your group during the seven weeks. 


  • On the website click on the “Calendar”icon. 

  • Near the top of that page click the icon that will move the calendar to November.

  • Go to November 19 and click on the “Short Mat League”

  • Once you do that it will give you information about the league and will lead you to the registration form

  • When registering if you just want to be a spare register as usual and then in the “comments” section just type in that you only want to be a spare.  

Garry Anderson & Brent Merchant will be contacting all of our new short mat novices to see if they are interested in forming a novice league.

Garry Anderson & Brent Merchant 

OBLBC Games Committee members