On Tuesday, July 18th, instead of playing our usual Tuesday morning
men’s league, the club members gathered to play the McEwan Cup,
the club Men’s Pairs tournament.
We welcomed several new or newer bowlers to the tournament….John
Mayston-Taylor, Jack Showers and Michael Trickey. They all played well
with John pairing up with Ian Capon to win first place in the
The weather was great; sunny, warm but not too hot. We played three
8 end games, two before lunch and one after lunch. Three teams won 2
matches and tied 1 to end with 7 points each. The winners were
decided on shot differential.
The winners were:
1 st place Ian Capon with John Mayston-Taylor
2 nd place Ron Harmer with Brian Sandercock
3 rd place Ian McMorran and Doug Francis
As always, behind the scenes, there were a lot of helpers.
Marian Burow did a great job in the kitchen with the Tea/Coffee and
nibbles in the morning and during the day….thank you, Marian
Jim Cliff took care of the bar making sure we were all hydrated!
Andrew Harley, Garry Anderson and Jennifer Harley for providing the
support for registration and scoring.
And we must not forget Gloria Brown who took the photos and Annette
Lyon for publicity on the website.
Thanks to the teams for looking after the greens and verges.
Until next year,
Andrew Harley
Tournament Manager
Photos by Gloria Brown