Updated 2019-04-16 with new photo of the Past Presidents plaque.
Our club is governed by its Constitution & By-Laws and its Policies and is managed by an elected Executive Committee.
Except for greens maintenance and certain cleaning duties, all routine operations and maintenance duties are handled by member volunteers who form teams to tackle the various maintenance duties.
The administrative and financial year of the club is October 1 to September 30. Membership fees are due by March 31 and expire one year later.
The Executive Committee meets ten times a year. Members meet twice a year. The Annual General Meeting is held in October and the Semi-Annual meeting in April. From time to time there are Special Meetings of the membership to vote on significant items that cannot be decided by the Executive alone. Minutes of Executive Committee meetings and General meetings are available to club members via the Members Only webpage.
At the Annual General Meeting, members meet to:
- Hear reports from the President and the other members of the Executive regarding their areas of responsibility.
- Approve the financial reports of the previous year and the budget for the current year.
- Elect the Executive for the following 12 months. The new Executive assumes its duties immediately after the meeting.