Published 2018-11-19
This page brings together all the information about the experimental Tuesday League in the Fall 2018 session.
This new league format is much easier to schedule than our previous leagues, which is why we are trying it out in the few remaining weeks of the 2018 Fall Session. Once the Tuesday League has concluded on December 18, we will ask all short mat players for their feedback on the appeal of this kind of pre-committed schedule.
Online documents support the Tuesday League
Here are all the reference documents for the Tuesday League:
2018 Fall Short Mat Session Poster
2018 Fall Tuesday League Poster
2018 Fall Tuesday League Registered Player List
2018 Fall Tuesday League pairings and games schedule
2018 Fall Tuesday League Results
2018 Fall Tuesday League entry form While the pairs teams have already been set up for the five-week league, you can still register your interest in taking part as a:
- Player, which means you would be a spare at this stage, who would be called if a registered Player drops out of the League altogether; or a
- Substitute, meaning that, although you may not be available for all scheduled games, you would be interested in being called to substitute for a Player who is unavailable for a particular game. Players who are Spares are also available as Substitutes.