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Friday Visitors Night

Our club is open for public play every Friday evening starting May 2024

Updated 2024-04-22

Visitors lawn bowling begins May 10, 2024.


Your invitation to bowling with us. . .

Free bowling every Friday evening from May through September.

Bring your family and friends (over the age of 12) and experience the wonderful game of lawn bowling. As long as your hands are big enough to hold the bowls, you are all set to enjoy an evening of fun.

Sometimes we serve pizza. . .

Please wear flat-soled shoes to protect our greens.

See you at 6:00 p.m. for an orientation; start bowling at 6:30 p.m.

Here’s our location.

We asked one of our members why he liked bowling at our Oak Bay club. He wrote . . .

Why I like bowling at Oak Bay LBC
A sociable game.bowl
A transient game.
It’s an elegant game.
A game of polite rituals.
It’s a game with simple rules.bowl 60x60
A game you can play all your life.
A game played all over the world.
A game of tactics, and delicate skills.
A game that is played by nice, friendly people.bowl 60x60
A game that requires precision rather than strength.
A game you can learn to play quite well at almost any age.
A game of beauty, as bowls curve their long arcs towards the jack.
A game with numerous unexpected twists of fortune, lucky and unlucky.bowl 60x60
A game that’s not too physically demanding, but gives you needed daily exercise.
A game where a weaker player/team can unexpectedly triumph over a stronger opponent.
A game that offers the social player a chance to meet others every day in small friendly groups.bowl 60x60
A game that offers the competitive player a chance to compete on Vancouver Island almost every day.
If you wish, you can also get a warm welcome at other nearby clubs who will play on most days, if not every day.bowl 60x60
A game we get quite excited about, even though the particular arrangement of those melamine balls  doesn’t change the world. . .taylor-bowls-jackbowl 60x60


If you’ve never played and now wonder how all the above statements can possibly be true, about all you can do is try it. See you at our club on Visitors Night, 6:00 p.m. any Friday evening during summer. Here’s our location.

If you want to check out the game beforehand, rather than hear about the emotions it evokes, take a look at The Game.