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2024 Club Labour Day Triples


  2024 Club Labour Day Triples

The penultimate Oak Bay Club bowling tournament, the Labour Day Triples, was held under sunny skies and perfect temperatures on 2 September 2024. Making sure that all club members could enjoy the day, croquet players also set up a tournament of their own.   

Fourteen teams played three 10-end games for the coveted trophy.  

The top three teams were awarded prizes by standings and  three random prizes were also given to lucky participants.  

The final results were :  

1. Louise Mason, Ray Dilba,  Sheila McCall, Moreen Tremblay, Jo-Ann Edquist.  

2.  Brent Merchant/Brent Jansen, Marian Burow, David Smythe.   

3.  Karen Evans, Doug Francis, Jackie Mooney.   


The event was co-managed by Helen Kempster and Lee Millar.

Detailed Results

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To increase the size of the image, repeatedly click on the ‘+” button at the top of the display next to the percentage figure, then use the scroll bars to move around the expanded image.