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24 Teams compete in first BSI Novice/Intermediate tournament

Report by Brent Merchant. Photos by Gloria Brown. 

The inaugural BSI Novice/Intermediate tournament took place at the Oak Bay Lawn Bowling Club on Saturday June 24. 
A total of 24 teams comprised of 72 bowlers from eight BSI Clubs participated. It would have been nine clubs but the Vic West team was on a waiting list; but there’s always next year.
The tournament format was four 8-end games, two before and two after lunch.
A BBQ lunch with all the trimmings plus side dishes of coleslaw and potato salad was provided to all team members. Of course, this was also provided to the tournament umpire Steve Foster who provided excellent support to the bowlers. By all reports the kitchen volunteers organized by Garry Anderson and the BBQ team of Rod Armitage and Brent Merchant did an excellent job.
Following lunch, a “spider” was held. Watching 72 bowls all thrown at once created quite the sight. Participants were treated to cake and ice cream following the first game after lunch.
A host of spectators from the various BSI clubs attended to cheer on their club’s teams. It was wonderful to see the support from the clubs and to see the newer players meeting and playing against members from the other BSI clubs. New cross-club friendships I’m sure resulted. Having so many spectators coming out was a real boost for all of the teams and was greatly appreciated. 
At the close of the tournament the four top teams were:
Fourth Place
Jim Wakeham, Maria Pavan and Don Pavan from Gordon Head
Third Place
Steve Shulhan, Mike Lee and Rob Reynolds from Juan de Fuca
Second Place
Joe Fitzgerald, Kevin Neary and Kathryn Bridge from Lake Hill
First Place
Lawrence Weston, Karen Green and Russ Crockey from Canadian Pacific
Joe Fitzgerald of Lake Hill made off with $210 by winning the 50/50 draw. 
Thanks to all the volunteers, the spectators and the participants. All of you made this a memorable event and on behalf of the Oak Bay Lawn Bowling Club we appreciate all that you did to make this such a great day. Hats off to all of you!!!!
Karen Evans, Donna Blackstock, Susi & Brent Merchant, Tournament Organizers
First place winners: Karen Green, Lawrence Weston and Russell Crocket.