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Slade team takes Miller Cup Mixed Tournament honours

Report by Joan Firkins. Photos by Gloria Brown. A July 29th lovely summer day saw the 2023 Miller Cup Mixed Tournament played with a mix of avid bowlers and spares! Three 10-end games were played and the outcome was as follows: First place – Chris Slade team of Chris, Doug Francis and … [Read more...]

BSI Sadler Memorial Triples

Report by Brent Jansen. The BSI Sadler Memorial triples tournament was held at the Gordon Head lawn bowling club. This tournament is always very well attended. It is an Ontario draw where winners play winners. The tournament is held over three nights, each night consisting of a 14-end game. There … [Read more...]

Oak Bay Team Roars at the Lions Tournament at Central Saanich

Report by Karen Evans. The BSI Lions tournament was held on July 12/13th. The tournament consisted of three 14-end games on the Saturday and two on the Sunday. The weather was hot and a lot of water was consumed. Each team participated in a five-game random round robin and by luck the two top … [Read more...]

Oak Bay wins big at BSI Men’s Quaddie

Report by Brent Merchant The Juan de Fuca Club hosted the yearly BSI men’s Quaddie on Friday July 21. Ten teams totalling 40 men participated in the tournament. With a Quaddie each team forms two teams of pairs in the first game. The second game sees three members of the team playing triples and … [Read more...]

Reminder: Volunteer Scoreboard Filppers for National Championships

We are still in great need for scoreboard flippers during the Pairs & Fours at the Nationals. To date we have only 40 volunteers to fill over 200 spots. There are still four clubs who have not responded, and so far just two clubs are responsible for over 50 % of the current 40. No experience … [Read more...]

McEwan Cup Goes to Fraser and Anderson

Report by Andrew Harley. Photos by Gloria Brown. The 2023 McEwan Cup Last Tuesday, July 18th, instead of playing our usual Tuesday men’s league, the club members gathered to play the McEwan Cup which is a Men’s Pairs tournament. The McEwan Cup is open to all male club members. We welcomed … [Read more...]

Oak Bay Bowlers Win Ashford at Burnside LBC

Report by Donna Blackstock Two Oak Bay teams took part in this tournament. Each team was required to have a woman skip and a bowler with 3 years or less experience. The team of Donna Blackstock, Brent Jansen and Ray Dilba finished with 5 wins after 5 matches on a very warm weekend July … [Read more...]

Gordon Head 1st, Oak Bay 2nd & 3rd at Dogwood Tournament

The Lakehill Lawn Bowling Club did an excellent job of organizing and hosting the Dogwood tournament on July 10, 11, and 12. Thirty-two teams of pairs entered requiring 16 teams playing at 2pm on Monday and Tuesday and the remaining 16 teams at 6pm. The top four teams from the 2pm draw and the … [Read more...]

Sign Up Now for Miller Cup on July 29th

The Miller Cup Club Tournament takes place on July 29th. Registration for players and supper are surprisingly low. The tournament is a one-day event and has always been well attended by experienced and particularly by new bowlers, so we hope more members will register. It takes a significant effort … [Read more...]

New Duds for 70th – Help Wanted

Our Club has a 70th birthday in 2024 so let's dress up with new Club shirts, hats and vests. Picking the style and colours is where many have opinions so the club needs some help. We need two men and two women to head up a team to work out the options for this clothing. If you have a good sense of … [Read more...]