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Gordon Head Fours Tournament

Report by Karen Evans. The second ladies tournament of the season was held at Gordon Head in the first week of June. We had good weather and a good time was had by all. The Team of Anne Murfitt (Gordon Head ), Karen Evans, Tanis Ranger and Diane McMorran placed second. … [Read more...]

First Women’s BSI Tournament Held at Vic West

Report by Karen Evans.  Lynn McElroy Tournament The first woman’s BSI tournament of the year was held at Vic West. We had five participants representing Oak Bay ( Bobbi Jean Charlton, Diane McMorran, Lee Millar and Karen Evans ) Results: second place Karen Evans and Nancy Oberholtzer ( … [Read more...]

$1,500 donation to Seekins family

Report by Brent Merchant. On May 17 Steve Seekins, an Oak Bay municipal worker, was tragically killed while working. He will be missed by his wife Kathy; their children, Liam and Mable. Members of our club immediately donated close to $900 and the Club was able to increase that amount to $1,500. … [Read more...]

Strong turnout for annual Burgers & Bowls tournament

Report by Brent Merchant. Photos by Gloria Brown. The Annual Burgers and Bowls Tournament took place on Sunday June 18. The event was well attended - 6 croquet players and approximately 50  bowlers. Additional members attended to watch and partake in the BBQ. In total, we had approximately … [Read more...]

Flora Martin Open Fours – Burnside

Report from Donna Blackstock Congratulations to OB members who finished in the money at the recent Flora Martin Open Fours held at Burnside. Ray Dilba and Lee Miller were three-game winners and on the winning team, skipped by Betty MacDougall of Juan de Fuca. Finishing third overall was the … [Read more...]

Barry Skinner Tournament

Report by Brent Jansen. Karen Evans and Brent Jansen had a very close game for a three-game winner but came away with a two-game high score winner  in "B" flight. Great tournament, fabulous competition. Special thank you to all that made the day possible. Congratulations to Harry … [Read more...]

BSI Central Saanich South Island Men’s Pairs

Report by Brent Jansen.  Brent Jansen (Oak Bay) and Steve Foster (Gordon Head) received third place in "A" flight. Thanks to everyone who made the day possible. Congratulations to Jay Huang and Kiyoshi Sekiguch from Gordon Head who won the trophy.    … [Read more...]

Oak Bay Team prevails at Heart Fours BSI Tournament

Report by Brent Jansen. The tournament was held May 2023, playing at the beautiful Sidney by the Sea Lawn Bowling Club. Karen Evans, Tanis Ranger, Brent Merchant and Brent Jansen entered the fours tournament. It was a grueling, one-day tournament with Oak Bay team, coming first and winning the … [Read more...]

Jubilee Pacific Pairs Tournament Succeeds Despite Weather

  Report by Brent Merchant. Photos by Gloria Brown. The Bowls South Island (BSI) Jubilee Pacific Pairs Tournament was scheduled for June 10 and 11 at the Oak Bay Lawn Bowling Club but the weather just wouldn't cooperate. We had planned to play three 16-end games on the first day and two … [Read more...]

BSI – Peace/Findlay/Coast Capital – Men’s Singles

Gopala Wins Findlay Trophy The Victoria Lawn Bowling Club hosted the Peace Findlay Men’s Singles Tournament May 27-28 after a three-year interruption due to COVID and greens rehabilitation.  This unique tournament awards three trophies in one event – the Peace Cup, the Findlay Trophy … [Read more...]