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Victoria Day Triples Tournament

The Victoria Day Rotational triples started on a rather damp, drizzly morning. However the 47 players kept their spirits up; looking to do battles with 7 rinks of triples. The numbers don’t quite add up……there were 5 players sharing positions on the teams. The results were as follows: First … [Read more...]

Friendships Renewed and Jennifer Remembered on Opening Day

Beautiful weather and spring green rinks greeted bowlers for the 2023 Opening Day on May 6th. A reflective note was sounded as the family of Jennifer Letkeman remembered their mother, a long time and active club member who passed away earlier in the week. … [Read more...]

Extra Fun with Novelty Draws Starts May 7th

As part of our support program for our recent bowlers and new coaches, we will be holding 
Novelty Draws starting Sunday, May 7th at 10:00 am. Come as often as you can for 1 on 1 and Pairs practice games - a fun way to improve your game and meet more members! For variety and for your enjoyment, … [Read more...]

Markers Course Slated for May 3

A 3 hour Markers Course will be held at our Club on May 3 from 9 to 12. This course is for members wishing to be qualified Markers or those that wish to renew their certication. Registration must be submitted by April 30. Details are covered in the attached poster. Please register as soon as you … [Read more...]

Work Crew Spruces up the Club for Spring Launch

On Wednesday April 5th we had a group of 15 volunteers out doing our spring clean up. Marking the greens, new bases on all the benches, power washing the deck and benches, cutting the grass, washing the windows and cleaning the ditches. Thank you all so much. Volunteering is what makes our club so … [Read more...]

2023 BSI Schedule Available Now

The following link will take you to the BSI Schedule of tournaments for 2023. A copy of this will also be posted in Anderson house with the posters for all of these tournaments. FYI. Link to schedule here. Brent Merchant Games Chair, OBLBC Link to: Greenslade Poster Link to: Jubilee … [Read more...]

Yardstick Bowling Kicks off New Season

Today, Thursday April 6, was the start of an exciting season of lawn bowling. Yardstick bowling was held and 9 members braved the slightly chilly conditions. Karen Heagle is coordinating this weekly novelty draw at 12:45 each Thursday up to and including May 4, 2023. The day was considered a … [Read more...]

Bridge Groups Celebrate End of Winter Sessions

Approximately 20 members of the combined Tuesday Social and Thursday Duplicate Bridge groups gathered on Tuesday, March 28, in Carnarvon House to celebrate the end of the winter bridge sessions. Members were treated to a delicious lunch, followed by bridge, all organized by Anne Payne, convenor of … [Read more...]

Record Number of Certified Coaches after Weekend Course

A Coaching course, facilitated by Dave Mathie of the Juan de Fuca LBC, was held in Carnarvon House from 9am to 4pm on April 1st. Sixteen "students" attended: one from Gordon Head, three from Canadian Pacific, two from JDF and eleven from Oak Bay Lawn Bowling Clubs. In addition, three of our Club's … [Read more...]

Coaching Available for UBI Bowl Delivery Device

UBI BOWL DELIVERY DEVICE COACHING I will be providing two UBI bowl delivery training sessions at 10am on April 11 and 13. There is a limit of 6 members for each session so please register on our Website calendar as soon as you can. If there is a greater demand for this training I will add … [Read more...]