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Big Canada Day Tournament raises large donation for CHAMP

2023-07-17 Report updated with the total amount raised for CHAMP.

Report by Donna Blackstock. Photos by Gloria Brown.

Canada Day 2023 was a huge success! We had ideal conditions and 82 bowlers in total taking part in the 2-bowl triples format for the British Bulldog Banner. Cathy Denny was the team captain for the red team and Layla Godfrey was team captain for the blue team.

With 24 teams, both greens were almost full as teams played four six-end games to try to get a win and contribute to their team’s total. At the lunch break and after two rounds, blue led by one point! At the end of the day the final score was red 20 1/2 points and blue 27 1/2 points so TEAM BLUE will enjoy 😊 the banner until next July 1. Congratulations to all members of the blue team.

For several years the Oak Bay LBC has dedicated this day as a fundraiser for CHAMP (child amputee) program. Tony Tucker at Oak Bay Pharmasave has generously donated $500 in each of the last two years. We are always grateful to our local merchants when they support us with prizes and gift certificates but what Tony does for us and our CHAMP total is truly exceptional.

As the day unfolds, money is raised from entry fees, wrong bias insurance, the 50/50 spider, a club 50/50, cash donations and this year even the proceeds from the sale of a set of bowls. Club members, thanks for your participation and your remarkable generosity. We all know at the end of this day of fun that the real winners are the CHAMP kids!

The total amount raised for CHAMP was a record $2400!

It takes a village to pull off a major event at the club and we do a number of them. Thanks to all for your help. Club members also enjoy looking at photos of every event on the website. We are fortunate to have Gloria Brown as our photographer. She captures it all and we are grateful for her efforts. Thanks Gloria!
