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Family Appreciation/Pizza Day

Report by Brent Merchant. Photos by Gloria Brown.

The Family Appreciation Day took place on September 16th with approximately 60 members engaged in lawn bowling, croquet and spectating. Tony Tucker of the Oak Bay Pharmasave once again graciously provided gift certificates and a cash donation in sponsoring this event. There were a number of team changes that took place but the event was able to start on time and was well enjoyed by all participants.

A pizza supper was purchased from Hot House Pizza that was well received or should I say devoured by the members. I did make a mistake in overlooking the request for a gluten free pizza and I am so sorry for that mistake.

Chris Slade did a marvelous job in juggling the various team changes and deserving of winning the 50/50 prize of $107. The top game winners were Barry Hersh, Helen Kempster and Sarf Ahmed with the top winning team being Layla Godfrey, Judy Arsenault and Joan and Alan hall. The top scoring teams in the “we did not win the game” group were Karen Evans, Ronnie Stinson and Paul Tivadar with the top scoring team in this group being skipped by Ray Dilba, Judy Black and Moreen Tremblay. All of those winning team members that were in attendance were given a free drink at the bar. Barry Hersh gave the excuse for not staying for the pizza and prizes as it was his 52 wedding anniversary. I have some questions about this as he must have had an arranged marriage given that they must have been married before they started high school. I’m sure Barry can explain this to those that ask him.

Tony Tucker, in addition to his cash donation, supplied ten $25 gift certificates which were awarded via a random draw. All participants signed a thank you card which will be given to Tony and will be shared with his staff. Thanks to all our members who came out to celebrate our new members. This concludes our lawn bowling tournaments for 2023 but the New Year’s Day Tournament is just around the corner.

Brent Merchant, Games Chair OBLBC