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Jubilee Pacific Pairs Tournament Succeeds Despite Weather

Jubilee Pairs tournament succeeds despite weather

Report by Brent Merchant. Photos by Gloria Brown.

The Bowls South Island (BSI) Jubilee Pacific Pairs Tournament was scheduled for June 10 and 11 at the Oak Bay Lawn Bowling Club but the weather just wouldn’t cooperate. We had planned to play three 16-end games on the first day and two 16-end games on the second day. Unfortunately the rain just wouldn’t stop and both greens had standing water on them as one of the pictures will show.  The day was cancelled and the 40 players returned on Sunday June 11. The entire format of the tournament had to be adjusted which resulted in all teams playing five 10-end games over the course of the day.

The tournament in its modified form resulted in an exciting and competitive tournament for all. In the end, the third place winners from Gordon Head were Jay Huang and Kiyoshi Sekiguchi; second place was captured by the Burnside team of Jaymee Sidel and her sister Sherry McGowan. The grand champion team from Vic West was Lynda Robbins and Patricia Levie.  Lynda was gracious in thanking the members of the Oak Bay Club for putting on the tournament and adjusting to the effects of the weather. She also passed on compliments to the kitchen staff, bar personnel and all those members who helped to make the tournament a success. 

Brent Merchant Games Chair OBLBC