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Slade team takes Miller Cup Mixed Tournament honours

Report by Joan Firkins. Photos by Gloria Brown.

A July 29th lovely summer day saw the 2023 Miller Cup Mixed Tournament played with a mix of avid bowlers and spares! Three 10-end games were played and the outcome was as follows:

First place – Chris Slade team of Chris, Doug Francis and Gayle Wigmore

Second place – Ian McMorran team of Kay Alexander and David Smyth

Third place – Mary Forster team of Lorne Cowley and Lauren Charlton

Fourth place – Barry Hersh team of Ron Harmer, Anne Bolton/Barrie Bolton, and John Mayston-Taylor

Prize-giving was followed by a chili/quiche dinner and fresh blueberries and ice cream for dessert.

Thanks to Angela Adamek for her culinary chili-making skills and to Kay Alexander and Linda Cowie for their contribution of cornbread and buns; all delicious! And many thanks to Garry and all the kitchen staff for their work in hosting the dinner. In addition to the kitchen staff, many thanks to Ian McMorran for rolling the greens, John Dolman for helping with setup, bartenders Jim Cliff and Ian Capon, Marcia Thorneycroft for helping me when needed, and Gopal Gowda and Chris Slade for all their computer efforts which are greatly appreciated. Also, thanks to Gloria Brown for once again making sure we have pictorial proof of all of our club tournaments! Thanks Gloria!

Joan Firkins

Tournament Manager