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Sticks Launched at Mystery Madness Event

March Madness was well attended by over 50 members on March 11. 7 rinks for lawn bowling and 2 rinks for croquet kept members active on a +12 degree day. Our New Years Day Extravaganza, the Groundhog Day event and March Madness all had excellent weather and we’re well attended. March Madness was a bit different than our other events for the lawn bowlers. All players used the UBI Launcher delivery stick. We used this device to show players a new method to avoid lobbing the bowls and doing damage to the greens. Most players started off having problems with this device but most quickly adapted to the new method. Thanks to all that participated. Our indoor activities will be drawing to a close at the end of March and our outdoor season will begin in early April. We all hope for good weather in April.
Brent Merchant, games Chair OBLBC