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Carnarvon Cup 2023 Results

Report by Andrew Harley. Photos by Gloria Brown.

September 12th saw the conclusion of our weekly Carnarvon Cup, a men’s pairs competition played on a Tuesday mornings with random pairing of skips and leads.

By the consensus of the players, we extended the season from the end of August until September 12th. While the attendance was somewhat lower than that in pre-pandemic times when we had some 32 players in regular attendance, we did have 25 registered players. Since we now have a membership level of some 220 bowlers, we need to make a concerted effort next year to bring out nore of our new members to restore the league attendance.

The season ended with the final session on September 12th. Going into the last day, the finish was very close indeed, particularly with competition among the leads. Six of the leads were only 4 points apart…..all to play for on the final day! Prizes were awarded for first three skips and first three leads


1st Skip Andrew Harley
2nd Skip Mel Jones
3rd Skip Brent Merchant

1st Lead Robert Game
2nd Lead Garry Anderson
3rd Lead Ray Dilba

We will look forward to restarting the Carnarvon Cup in May 2024

Andrew Harley

1st Skip: Andrew Harley

3rd Skip: Brent Merchant (2nd Skip Mel Jones absent for photos)

1st Lead: Robert Game

2nd Lead: Gary Anderson

3rd Lead: Ray Dilba