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Almost a repeat – Andy Stewart Australian Pairs

Report by Brent Merchant

The Andy Stewart Australian Pairs tournament was held at Burnside LBC on August 21-23. Given the number of entries there were two flights each day. One flight started at 3:30 p.m. and the second flight started at 6:30 p.m.

All teams played a total of three 16-end games over the course of the three days. Oak Bay members participating were Judy Arsenault, Gopal Gowda, Donna Blackstock, Ian and Diane McMorran and Brent Merchant.

The tournament was well attended by seven of the eleven Bowls South Island clubs. Prizes were awarded to the one-game winners, the two-game winners and the three-game winners in each flight.

In the early flight Donna Blackstock and Larry Martin (from the CP club) won the one-game winner prize. Brent Merchant and Harry Walker (from the CP club) won the three-game winner prize.. Brent and Harry had won the trophy last year but had to wait until the later flight had finished their games to see if we would be repeat winners of the trophy. But alas, we tied the Anne Murfitt and Nick May rink and the tie was broken by a point spread that went in Anne and Nick’s favour.

All in all it was a well run tournament and hats off to Burnside volunteers for the work that went into the tournament. As an added bonus on Wednesday night they offered a Smokie and Veggie dog BBQ for all participants. All they asked was a small donation to cover the cost of the food. Thanks to all of those who participated, umpired and volunteered.

Brent Merchant, OBLBC Games Chair.