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Annual Silver Tray Tournament

Report by Louise Mason

Oak Bay Lawn Bowling Club hosted the ladies’ annual Silver Tray 3-bowl scotch pairs tournament June 27 and 28. It was an enjoyable, competitive and social event.

Four teams won all 4 games. Unfortunately, a mistake was made which changed the order as presented at the awards. It has been corrected and those involved were very gracious and understanding.

Oak Bay did extremely well placing 1st, 2nd and 4th. Donna Blackstock and Karen Evans were the winners with Bobbi Charlton and Diane McMorran an extremely close second. Annie Mathie and Wendy Leamen from Juan de Fuca were 3rd, and a close 4th was Tanis Ranger and Karen Heagle.

The results had to be decided using the aggregate system (dividing total points won in all games by the total points lost in all games). First and second were 0.158 apart and third and fourth 0.253 apart!

Thanks to all who assisted – you were so needed!

Louise Mason