On the heels of the New Years Day Extravaganza and Groundhog Day your Games Committee has agreed to try a threepeat called “March Madness” on Saturday, March 18th. Croquet and lawn bowlers are asked to arrive by 1:15 with the games starting at 1:30pm. The weather will determine how long we play but once the games end we will have a social in Carnarvon. Tea, coffee and goodies with be available for a small charge. The bar will be open as well. Spectators are welcome. There is no need to register; just arrive by the noted time. And remember there will be a surprise for the lawn bowlers and it’s one that just might shock you. We had close to 50 members attending on New Years and again on Groundhog Day so please come out and enjoy the afternoon.
Brent Merchant, Games Chair OBLBC
Bowls, Croquet and Social on tap at March Madness on the 18th!
March 8, 2023 by