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BSI Sadler Memorial Triples

Report by Brent Jansen.

The BSI Sadler Memorial triples tournament was held at the Gordon Head lawn bowling club. This tournament is always very well attended. It is an Ontario draw where winners play winners. The tournament is held over three nights, each night consisting of a 14-end game. There are two different flights, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. Both flights consist of 16 teams making a total of 32 teams playing for the trophy and for fun, of course.

Three teams from Oak Bay had entered. Bobbi Charlton, Mitch O’Brien and Linda Cowie and Brent Merchant, Gopala Gowda and Karen Heagle were both one-game winners.

The three-game winners were Gordon Head’s Dennis Verge, Dorothy Verge and Al Thomson in the early draw. The evening three-game winner was from Oak Bay – Karen Evans, Donna Blackstock and Brent Jansen. After the point differential was worked out, the team from Gordon Head came out on top with the team from Oak Bay placing second. A differential of only two points separated the teams; a very close outcome.

We would like to thank Gordon Head for hosting such a fabulous tournament. Thanks to Gloria and all the kitchen staff, Steve Foster the umpire, greenskeeper and of course the tournament organizer.