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Call for markers at the Nationals

From : Jack Robertson – Juan de Fuca LBC

Subject : Certified Markers

Please be advised that we are still in great need for markers for the singles rounds for the Championships on Saturday August 19th and Sunday August 20th.

At present, we only have 30 markers signed up to cover 110 games over the three days. We need at least another 20 approximately to accommodate the schedule. Even if you are only available for one game one day, every little bit helps.

We understand that some may be a bit reluctant to mark for such an important event. However there will be a ‘refresher course’ closer to the time for those who sign up and have questions.

We will also endeavour to schedule markers from the same Club at the same times to assist in car pooling

So please consider if you are available; or if you require further information, please e mail Maryann Little below for further details

Your support is required and appreciated,

Thank You,
Jack Robertson
Chair – Host Organizing Committee