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Carpenters Wanted to Build BBQ Shed

The Club would like to build a shed for our BBQ’s. The size of that structure would be approximately H 6.5 ft X W 3 or 3.5 ft X L 6 or so ft. Shed would be constructed out of 2X4’s and 3/4 in plywood. A fairly simple structure with two doors that swing outward and which are able to lock. At this point the structure would go against the Carnarvon Wall that faces the equipment shed. If there are a few folks that have the skills necessary to build this structure can you contact me directly so that we can fine tune the plan and then I can go out and buy the materials.Yes I will help out with my limited carpentry skills. Hope there are a few folks that are skilled at building such a structure. If you are, please contact me directly at 25–595-3776. Thanks

Brent Merchant, Games Chair OBLBC