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Draining Day – Help Wanted

On Thursday, September 21, our Greenskeeper John Correa , Ray Dilba, and Brent Merchant set to work trying to improve the drainage on the West green. The drainage system under the West green are the old fashion red clay drain tiles. A number of them have broken and as a result areas on the West green do not drain properly when we have heavy or extended rainfall. This ends up with water pooling on the surface and takes a considerable time to drain even under the hot weather we have been having. With the use of Brent Jansen’s underground camera we were able to locate the broken tiles and set about digging up those areas. We were able to dig up most of the problem areas and repair work will start on Saturday September 23rd at 10am. We still need to dig 3 or 4 more holes so if anyone can come out to help it would be great. Ray and the two Brent’s are in the Bowl for the Cure tournament this weekend so can’t make it for Saturday. Hope a few of our members can lend a hand. It’s not hard and with the extra hands it won’t take long. John will be there to provide expert direction on the areas that need to be dug.

Brent Merchant, Games Chair OBLBC