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Family Appreciation Game – September 16

Our last two tournaments of the year are fast approaching and I want to encourage folks to register for them as soon as possible. Here are the details for the Family Appreciation Game:


Each year we host a game, a spider, prizes and a pizza supper in honour of those people that joined under our Family Membership fee this year. For family members that joined this year the game and the pizza is free – it’s our way of saying thank you for joining the Club. For other members the fee is only $5 and includes the game and the pizza. Croquet players are more than welcome to attend, play a game of croquet and participate in honouring our new members. Please go to our website and register. Right now there are only 9 people registered so we have lots of room for everyone. If you don’t want to play but just want to have pizza and meet our new members that is quite alright. We just need to have you register so we know how many and what type of pizzas to order. Last year we had over 50 people attending so I hope we will beat that number this year.

Any questions about either of these tournaments feel free to contact me at

Brent Merchant Games Chair OBLBC