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Greenslade Men’s Triples featured hot competition

Report by Brent Merchant. Photos by Gloria Brown.

The Greenslade Tournament was a hot affair taking place at our Club on August 15 and 16. Thanks to Brent, Sue and jazz Jansen’s water mister donation and to the club’s purchase of a water cooler greatly assisted the participants to survive the hot conditions.

Thanks to Garry Anderson and all the kitchen volunteers. The ice cream and berries on the first day was a very nice treat.

Umpires Jim Ward and Steve Hamilton attempted to stay in the shade but they were often called on numerous times to make a ruling while the players scampered to the mister and water cooler to seek some relief while the Umpires made their rulings.

On the first day Barry Ming was the winner of the 50/50 draw and on the second day Kevin Neary was the winner. The team that won the reverse draw was the John Richard team from Lak Hill.

The three top teams were:
Third Place: Nick May, Kevin Neary, Shane McRae (Skip)
Second Place: Don Dana, Jay Huang, Kyoshi Sekiguch (Skip)
First Place: Ron Mcrea, Al Thomson, Barry Ming (Skip)

Thanks to all our volunteers, spectators, Lorne Cowley & Ian McMorran for rolling the greens, Donna Blackstock & Jim Cliff for looking after the bar, Chris Slade for doing the first draw, Gopal Gowda for entering all the scores, and Gloria Brown for taking all of the pictures. Your volunteer time is greatly appreciated.

Brent Merchant Games Cair OBLBC