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Interested in a Markers Course?

Would you be interested in taking a 3 hours “Markers Course”. What does a “marker” do you might be wondering. A good example is when we have singles matches. The Marker will place the jack once it’s thrown, will give direction to ensure the mat is properly placed, will mark a bowl that is a toucher, will answer the players questions and a host of other “duties”.. The course teaches the individuals all the responsibilities that come with being a Marker. Currently we have close to 20 Markers. Seven of those Markers have to recertify as a marker at the end of 2023. Right now I am just trying to find out how many members would like to take the course and once I know that I can start making the appropriate arrangements to have a course put on for our members at our club.

Could you please let me know if you are interested by April 7. Please use this email with your response to me: