Report by Donna Blackstock and Mary Forster.
Women’s Novice Singles
Congratulations to Lauren Charlton for her strong performance at the BSI Novice Singles event held at the Gordon Head bowling club. Lauren finished with a record of 3 wins and two losses. Thanks to Bobbi Jean Charlton for being the support person for the weekend and to Tanis Ranger and David Smyth for volunteering to mark during the tournament.
Burnside Mix and Mingle (A new event for new female bowlers)
Oak Bay had the highest number of participants at the Burnside Bowling Club on Sept. 9. We had 14 first and second year bowlers playing in a field of 48, a full green of triples. Six mini games were played and each bowler played two games at lead, third and skip throughout the day. Well done to all!
Angela Adamek, Gina Anderson, Lori Anderson, Maggie Aro, Judy Arsenault, Judy Black, Mary Burcher, Karin Buss, Lauren Charlton, Jackie Mooney, Carolyn Rogers, Sharon Ross, Heather Rumble, Moreen Tremblay
2 Times Perfect End
Brian van Hezewijk, our club’s Novice Champ, didn’t bring home the trophy BUT he ended his two-day commitment on a high note in the BSI Novice Men’s Singles Tournament held at Lake Hill Lawn Bowling Club over the past weekend!
In a Singles tournament, a Perfect End is when all your four bowls are counters. Brian had twice this achievement and I’m very proud to recount this as his coach during this event.
One can purchase a Perfect End pin from Bowls Canada at $7 each. All you need is to take a photo of the scorecard and have the umpire (or marker in a Singles tournament), or a club member, to verify that a Perfect End was played. Visit “Awards” in the Bowls Canada website for more information.
Well done Brian!