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New Club Sun Shelter Project 2024

With the 2024 outdoor bowling season coming to a close soon, work has commenced on the replacement of the club’s very tired sun shelters. The old shelters have been removed and the wood will be recycled. A number of club members have assisted in the demolition and clean-up. We have been very fortunate to receive a New Horizon’s government grant of $25,000 to complete this needed upgrade which was announced by our MP Laurel Collins at our Opening Day in May. The Grant supports community projects that allow members to participate in the project when and where able.  A builder has been engaged to complete the major building portion of the new sun shades which would be beyond the capabilities of our members. Drawings for the approved project are in Anderson House. The builder will be laying out site lines in the next few weeks after which there will be a call out for able members to consider donating some time to this worthwhile project. Stay tuned!
Article by Lauren Charlton
Photos submitted by Doug Francis