You will see a new 75-inch TV on a heavy-duty stand in the back of Carnarvon House. I write to give some history on this purchase.
Years ago, I was the First Vice President of the club which allowed me the opportunity to chair the Website Committee. That committee recommended the purchase of a large TV so that committee members could use it to view the various website pages and make appropriate changes/enhancements, to use it to train members on how to use the website, to display materials to members at our AGMs/SAGMs and to provide tournament results to participants in real time.
I took this to the Executive Committee who approved the purchase with funds from the Thrifty’s Smile Card Program. Thrifty’s required that we detail the proposed purchases, and this information was displayed in the executive minutes at that time. At the end of the Smile Card year, we received the money raised and it provided sufficient funds to make all of the purchases we had indicated at the start of that year.
There were a host of delays in purchasing the TV but the Thrifty’s Smile Card money for the TV has been carried over in our budget year after year.
We were finally able to make the purchase a few months ago. On Saturday (November 13) with the help of Garry Anderson and John Dolman, the three of us were able to unpack everything and put it all together.
I just want to assure all members that these items were not purchased from your annual dues and that the purchase will help the development of our website and provide information to our members at our yearly meetings.
I hope this clarifies things but if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at or call me at 250-595-3776.
Brent Merchant,
Games Committee Chair (former Chair of the Website Committee)