[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”265″ display=”basic_thumbnail”]Photos by Gloria Brown
The annual New Years Day bowling/croquet event was attended by over 60 club members. We have never had such a large turnout for this event and it was so nice to see so many members enjoying themselves. This year we introduced a $5 BBQ with smokies, veggie dogs, chips and pop (or a dollar off for wine or beer). The event was organized by Harman Grewal and Brent Jansen with Brent Merchant manning the BBQ. From all reports members enjoyed the event. A 50/50 was held during the lunch with Carla Perry winning half of the $260 pot. Carla donated her winnings back to the club and we thank her for her generosity. What’s next on the horizon? In February we will hold a Groundhog event with BBQ ‘d hamburgers perhaps. News on this event will be sent out closer to the end of this month.
Brent Merchant, Games Chair OBLBC