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Novice and Intermediate Club Singles results

Report by Donna Blackstock.

Women’s Novice Singles

We had  seven competitors in this year’s women’s tournament. Two players finished with a record of 5 wins and 1 loss. Karin Buss took first place with a better points differential and she also won the head-to-head match against Lauren Charlton.

There was a three-way tie for third place. Based on the points differential, third place went to Moreen Tremblay, fourth place to Carolyn Rogers and fifth place to Deb Austin.

Men’s Novice Singles

This men’s tournament had five competitors. Brian Van Hezewijk was the winner, winning all of his games, Paul Tivadar was second and Bob Austin was third.

Women’s Intermediate Singles

Six  second-year women entered this tournament.  The winner was Judy Black, winning all four of her games. Angela Adamek was second and Sharon Ross was third.

Well done to all who took part and to the markers who came out to cover every one of the games. Thank you!

Donna Blackstock