Another combined Friday Visitors/Pizza Night was held on August 16 with over 50 members and visitors taking part. In fact, so many visitors showed up that a good deal of improvisation was required to pull off a successful evening. Some members who intended only to watch were instead pressed into service as players or to assist guests who had never picked up a bowl before.
A number of guests arrived well after the appointed draw time but none were turned away. Instead every attempt was made to get them onto the green and following the briefest of instruction, rolling bowls. By the end of the evening all seemed to have got the knack of the game and enjoyed the challenge of trying to get their bowl close to the little white target ball called the jack.
The unanticipated large number of attendees also prevented the ad hoc photographer from being able to take a complete series of photos owing to other duties. Thus, you’ll have to imagine Carnarvon House following the games, filled with folks, some munching on pizza, others standing drink in hand discussing what had gone right (and wrong) out on the green moments earlier. Everyone seemed to agree that bowls, food, and friends are the ingredients for a good time.
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