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Record Number of Certified Coaches after Weekend Course

A Coaching course, facilitated by Dave Mathie of the Juan de Fuca LBC, was held in Carnarvon House from 9am to 4pm on April 1st. Sixteen “students” attended: one from Gordon Head, three from Canadian Pacific, two from JDF and eleven from Oak Bay Lawn Bowling Clubs. In addition, three of our Club’s certified coaches attended as a refresher.

Davie conducted the course in an exemplary fashion and all participants enjoyed his style and the information that was presented. The majority of the course was conducted via a lecture style while a few hours were spent on the greens with a rather chilly wind speeding the instruction along.

With the completion of this course our Club has a total of 23 certified coaches, an all-time record. We will be posting their pictures on the website over the coming weeks and also posting them in Anderson House so members can put a name to the face of our Coaches.

With our Open Houses just around the corner, having all of these coaches will be extremely helpful.

To make scheduling plans for how the coaches can assist at the Open Houses and throughout the bowling season we will be having a joint Games/Coaches meeting on April 4th to discuss and work out the various details.

We are now in a position to expand and provide additional coaching opportunities to all members of our Club.

Brent Merchant, Games Chair OBLBC