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Spring Membership Letter

February 24, 2021

Dear Bowlers,

We can feel the promise of spring! The early morning light, the crocuses and the birdsong have stirred up our dormant bowler’s blood and we’re thinking about play. We’re writing to you with an update and to whet your appetite.

At this time last year we were all just beginning to comprehend what we were going to be up against in 2020. On top of everything else, the disappointment was tremendous when we realized that 2020 would not be likely to permit a normal, happy summer, filled with the usual bowls activities. Despite the uncertainty, most of our active bowlers renewed their memberships last year. 

As spring gave way to summer and restrictions were clarified, the Executive Committee worked hard to arrange for a season of outdoor bowls at the Club, a season of which we can all be proud. The new routine — filling out COVID19 questionnaires, minimal touch on communal equipment, and making sure to stay distant from the others during play, all seemed to have worked well! Happily, there have been no related health problems experienced by any of our members. We had hard-working volunteer monitors to keep everything running as it should during our games. As a result, a large percentage of our registered full members enjoyed months of sunny days playing regular games through to October 31st last year. As you know, we’re in the midst of an active indoor program of short mat and table tennis, which started February 1st. As we head into year 2 of the pandemic, it is likely that Public Health measures may still prevent us from doing many of the things we wish we could – but we can still bowl!

In fact, with the vaccination program in effect we anticipate that most of our 80 year and 70 year young members will have been inoculated at least one time before the lawn bowling season is in full swing. Therefore our comfort level in socializing with other bowlers should be dramatically improved this season.

Over the winter, the Executive Committee has been working hard to keep us all bowling – we are staying current with Public Health orders, keeping our finances in good order and taking advantage of a new financial institution to better serve our membership. We are looking after the maintenance, safety and security of our club grounds and buildings and are ensuring that we provide every member with the facilities and activities that they expect at the Club. We’ve improved the light and air quality in our clubhouses and have added a new sport to the outdoor activities available to our membership – all without any increase in fees.

And here we are, on the brink of a new bowls season! 

There is a lot to look forward to at the Club this spring — most importantly, getting on the greens for some bowls play and reconnecting, at a distance, with other members. The exciting announcement by our Club President last week, — that croquet will be played at our Club this summer — was really popular news to our membership! Croquet will add a new dimension to the activities at our club, without any detriment to the lawn bowling greens or schedule, and it will be included in the fee for all our full memberships. In support of croquet, please mail your donation to Oak Bay Lawn Bowling Club, 2190 Harlow Drive, Victoria BC V8R 3J1. You may donate whether or not you pledged support in the fundraising drive.

Thankfully, as the days lengthen you can dust off the bowls shoes, wash a few polo tops and start thinking about putting your bowls back on the green. Maybe you need new sunglasses or it’s time to replace the broad-brimmed hat? Need grippo, a new tape measure or Club clothing?  Jennifer Letkeman (, our Stores person, is looking forward to hearing from you! There’s also lots of inspiration online, with some great play and brilliant lingo in the commentary for the Aussie’s Gold Coast Champion of Champions single and pairs from September 2020 on YouTube.

A few emails will go out to the membership over the next several weeks before we let you know that the greens are ready and it’s time to come and play! Important information about your membership renewal will be coming soon, and we encourage you all to renew your membership as soon as the registration is open and it is convenient to do so. 

The Executive Committee is here to assist the members of the Club and we are a resource for you. If you have questions about your membership renewal, COVID Protocols, playing outdoor lawn bowls or any other subject we may be able to help with, please write to us.

Wishing you the very best and hoping to see you out on the greens before too long.

OBLBC Executive Committee