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Successful Croquet Tournament and Dinner Held on September 20

Report by Garry Anderson

Everyone enjoyed the croquet tournament and social games, plus a dinner afterwards on Wednesday, September 20th. Croquet rinks were set up on both the east and west greens. We started the tournament at 10 AM and played four games during the day. Brent Jansen and Kay Alexander won first place, Pierre Dunn and Angela Adamek won second place with Brent Merchant and Louise Mason taking third place. Many players finished their games early, giving them ample opportunities to socialize.

Parallel to the tournament on the next green, the social players got off to a great start. Every game had more players arriving so that by the end of the day three of the four rinks were full. A draw was held after every game so people could get to know all their fellow players.

Afterwards, we all proceeded inside for happy hour, the awarding of prizes for the winners and a draw of door prizes for everyone.

This was all followed by a most wonderful dinner provided by Ann Godin and Debra Weir. The food was delicious and dessert topped off a wonderful day.
