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Two OBLC Teams Place in JDF Friday League

Report by Brent Jansen

Juan de Fuca hosts a Friday morning men’s league every year. Its duration is 17 weeks with up to 32 teams competing. At the conclusion of the season, money is awarded to the top 10 teams. First place approximately $350 and tenth place approximately $30.

The Friday morning men’s league exists to bring out new and experienced members to have a fun game of lawn bowling and meet players from all the different clubs in the BSI bowls south island district.

Oak Bay came in fifth place this year. Team members, Lorne Cowley, David Anderson, Ray Dilba, Gopal Gowda, Mort Nelson, and skip Brent Jansen. Our team won a total of $138 which we will be donating to the Oak Bay Lawn Bowling Club. This money could be used to purchase new equipment required for croquet or lawn bowling. Ian McMorran’s team from OBLBC came in tenth place.

Maybe next year, we may be able to have more players from Oak Bay playing in the league.

– Brent Jansen