Update March 27, 2018. Technical difficulties reported earlier have been resolved. Minor changes have been made to text.
Did you know you can follow along as your friends renew their membership in the club for 2018/19? Just open the phone book under “The Club” > “Members Only” and > “Phone Book”, then “Search Members” and look for the small triangle symbols along the top row.
If you wish to see a list of those who have renewed to date, simply click the triangle at far right immediately to the left of “2018/19 renewal date”. If you wish to see a list of only those who are full (or social) members, click the triangle next to “Type”. You can do this with all these triangle symbols for each column to view selective information that interests you.
The electronic version of our phone book is “the green thing to do”. The main benefit of the online phone book is that it does not become immediately out of date like the print version. Changes can be made as they occur. You can copy the directory off the screen, if you wish to print it.