If you visited Anderson House in the last few days, you will have seen its latest feature. Dale Mosher kindly donated an Apple iPad touchscreen computer to the club. John Dolman built a stand for it, and Garry Anderson made it work. The iPad now stands discreetly by the door, waiting for your tender touch.
Like online information kiosks everywhere, the screen is dedicated to one set of information. In our case, all it knows is the club website, which is packed with information of use to us all.
Many of our members now use computers daily and already access the club website from their homes. Those with smartphones can access it while on the move. While 97% of our members have e-mail IDs and so know how to use computers, not so many carry smart phones. Now, if you want club information while at the club, the iPad is there for you to use.
Things you might want to know while at the club over the next few months . . .
- What’s on at the club in the next few days? The online calendar has all the events, for the next several months.
- Who should be here for the short mat game today? Click on the event on the online calendar and the names of all registered attendees will appear.
- I’d like to play in the short mat draw next Thursday. Touch on the event on the calendar, and you will be given the opportunity to sign up online – or cancel your previous registration.
And all the club information is at your fingertips while at the club – everything from the latest news, to the minutes of the Executive Committee (in the Members Only webpage), to how to play the game of bowls – indoors and outdoors. If you really want to know how the club website works, read Using this Website.
And no one will be left out. Even if you are firmly established as a non-computer person, or apprehensive that you need to be “computer literate” to take part, other club members can easily help you. Eventually, it is likely that you will sign up for all events at the club by touching a screen, rather than putting your name on a sheet of paper. The process is no different than touching an information screen at a shopping mall.
Let us know what you think of this new club feature by contacting Steve Rikley, the chair of the website committee.